Friday night we spent time with our restaurant- and movie-going friends Jon and Sarah, this time visiting the delicious Key's Cafe near our house and then attending our last-ever movie at the Roseville 4.

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts. And the theatre owners had made a lot of special modifications, too:

The floors are a sight even Dave Barry would be proud of:

The movie in question was National Treasure: Book of Secrets, and while I was hoping for a little more grave-jumping action, it was a worthy follow-up to one of the more enjoyable adventure movies to come out in the last several years. I still wish Riley was played by Steve Zahn, though. Anyway, the cheapo movie house will close its doors forever in a matter of hours, so if you think of it, pour out a 40 of Pepsi, or a gallon tub of stale popcorn, for the fallen.
Last night my cousin and his wife came over and we spent the evening playing Guitar Hero 3 and (gasp!) Wii Play. I have always dismissed the latter as a terrible game, but I have to admit, for a bunch of casual gamers who just want to have a good time, it really was fun.
My wife and I are about to go on a walk--our first in many weeks--and while that may seem silly to blog about, if you lived up here and the weather was finally warm enough to do so, well, you would understand. :)