Last year I embarked on my first real Black Friday experience, getting up around 3:30 to stand in line outside a Target store in order to get an Xbox 360. It wasn't even one of the big sale items, but it did come with a $50 Target gift card, so I was worried they might sell out anyway. My sister's husband and I waited in line for an hour and a half, braved the surging crowd to get inside once the store opened, and then calmly went about getting my Xbox and a couple other items on our lists. It was a pretty good time and I enjoyed the cosmopolitan atmosphere, friendly crowds, and yes, the good prices. Was it worth getting up so early? No, probably not. But it was a fun way to spend time with relatives and friends, so that probably makes up for it.
This year my wife and I refined our tactics a little bit, scouring the
black Friday ads well in advance and taking note of a couple items we wanted to pick up. Nothing more than $20, and all things we had talked about getting anyway, so it was a good way to keep our post-Thanksgiving shopping in check. We woke up around 3:30 again, and she went with a friend and some of the women in our family to hit up the clothing stores and the local mall. I spent the morning with my brother, whose wife went with my wife, going to a few hardware stores and a couple other places looking for my part of our short shopping list. We actually braved the crowds at Best Buy which, despite the headlines and news stories people may have heard, were casual and easygoing and not at all violent or angry. Even the employees at most stores were cheerful and happy to help when we needed it. After a couple hours we headed back home and I met up with my wife and her friend for some
Amigo's and a bit of Shopping Part Two before calling it a day.
Much of the weekend was spent in the company of friends and family, which is just about the best way to spend a holiday. Aside from playing with the nieces and nephews, we boring old folks watched Nebraska beat Colorado on Friday, and then played some cards while OSU got shut down by Oklahoma on Saturday. Earlier that afternoon we were at my brother Phil's to help him and his wife celebrate the first birthday of their son, and
like he said, time sure goes by quickly. Seems like just a few weeks ago little Noah was just a big pink raisin in a baby carrier, and now he's
this close to walking. Keep it up, little guy!
Me and my one-year-old nephew. Aww. |
My brother Andy made this. It was some sort of recipe that
involved cooking a whole pumpkin. | |
Eagerly anticipating Thanksgiving dinner. |
My brother Tom doing card tricks with the kids. |
Grandpa and granddaughters, waking up with
a Mountain Dew and carrot cake. |
Other highlights from the weekend:
- Thanksgiving dinner. My mom makes some really good turkey!
- Going back to Russ's Market for the first time in about 5 years, and seeing some former co-workers who are still holding down the fort.
- Watching Mega Piranha with my brother, his wife, and a bunch of their friends on Friday night.
- Hanging out with our friends and 1.5-year-old daughter on Saturday afternoon. Wow, she loves to jump on the bed!
- Staying up late on Saturday with my buddy Gavin, watching speed runs of Super Metroid.
- Lunch at Valentino's on Highway 81 on the way home.
And so this Thanksgiving we were indeed giving thanks. Thanks for family, for friends, and for a savior who loved us enough to die for us. May we find rest and peace in His arms this Christmas season.